22 February 2007

The morality (and the verbal accuracy) of The Sunday Post

It's a misuse of the word 'public'. I do wish the Executive would make a greater effort towards accuracy of presentation. The latest press release:
Shetland Islands Council has been given permission by the Justice Minister Cathy Jamieson to introduce a ban on the public consumption of alcohol within Lerwick, from 2 March this year.
Ms Jamieson said:
"Public drinking is often a nuisance and can greatly hamper the quality of life for residents in a particular area. The 29 councils that have such byelaws in force have paid testimony to their effectiveness in reducing the nuisance and disorder commonly associated with public drinking. I will continue to support other councils that come forward with similar byelaw proposals."

As I understand the position, we will nevertheless continue to be permitted to drink in public, at least in those areas with the appropriate licences, such as public bars and hotels. I think they mean 'out of doors' (with the possible exception of beer gardens and the like, although there won't be many of those in Lerwick).

And how can Ms Jamieson pre-empt her permission-giving powers by saying that she will continue to support other councils that come forward with similar byelaw proposals?

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