27 May 2018


It shames us in Scotland that people have to rely on food banks.  But the good citizens that run this food bank are running out of provisions:
Items we are urgently low on (i.e we have completely run out of) include:
UHT MilkFruit Juice (long life)Potatoes (tinned)Custard (tinned)Rice Pudding (tinned)Fruit (tinned)Cold Meat (tinned)
Items we will run out of by the end of next week include:
Veg (tinned)JamCoffee
It is far from high living.

If you can help, I would urge you to do so.  It's not difficult.  Click on the 'donate' button on this website.

And I can assure you that you will feel the satisfaction of having done a good deed.


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