10 October 2008

The blame game

Do you believe him? But let us keep this little extract from The Times to hand:
Bankers and financiers who take irresponsible risks should be “punished” for their actions, Gordon Brown said today.
Following yesterday’s massive Government bailout for the banks, the Prime Minister spoke of his anger at the way some in the City had behaved.
“I am angry at irresponsible behaviour,” he told GMTV. “Our economy is built around people who work hard, who show effort, who take responsible decisions, and whether there is excessive and irresponsible risk-taking, that has got to be punished.”

I'll believe in the punishment of irresponsible City operators when it happens. Meanwhile I await with interest to see the terms (including the pension pots) of those such as Sir Fred Goodwin when he eventually takes his leave of RBS.

Meanwhile, who was it who was in overall charge of the economy when all this irresponsible behaviour came to a head?

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