23 October 2008

Quote of the day

Matthew Norman in The Independent on George (formerly Gideon) Osborne (here):
What possessed him to pick a fight with Mandelson on terrain that overwhelmingly favoured the latter I doubt he could coherently answer himself.
But his decision to break the Code of the Bullies, by passing on confidences gleaned at billionheir Nat Rothschild's villa amounted to a form of suicide by cop. He simply begged for the bullet.
On reflection, Lord M's counterstrike deserves another point of reference. Forgive yet another boxing analogy, but here we find Mandy as Muhammad Ali to Osborne's George Foreman. For this is the most sensational act of political rope-a-dope ever witnessed.
For two weeks, he soaked up incessant haymakers from front-page headlines about his connection with the oligarch, and for all the world looked ready to drop. And then, quite suddenly, he danced off the ropes to unleash a murderous combination of his 0wn, with a little help from that tireless correspondent with the editor of The
Times, Mr Rothschild.
One particular beauty about the Rumble in the Jungle was The Punch Ali Never Threw. Knowing it would ruin the elegance of the knock-out, he stopped himself hitting Foreman again as he began his slow motion lump to the canvas. I like to think Lord M will show such restraint, graciously retiring to his corner to be mobbed by delirious hangers-on from the Labour benches. They should hail him as their new, undisputed champion because that, miraculously, is what he has become.

Georgie-Porgie - silly boy.

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