16 August 2011


Deux langues étrangères? Chapeaux, messieurs! Le Herald nous dit:
The Scottish Government has announced ambitious plans to teach all primary pupils at least two modern languages.

In the week pupils return to school after the holidays, ministers are to announce they are setting up a working group to discuss how to meet the target.

The working group will look at the role of employers, universities and parents in promoting languages, as well as how the subjects are taught at school.

A mon avis, il serait beau si les pauvres enfants apprennent à parler leur langue de naissance avant d'aborder une langue étrangère. Quant à une deuxième langue étrangère, das ist unmöglich.

Mais, bonne chance, les gars!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bonne chance my foot. My kids were taught French in primary school by teachers who had little knowledge of the language. The ambition to teach 2 languages is absurd. Better by far to teach one to a high standard first