25 March 2006

Paranoia strikes deep

The Independent reports:
"When you've held uninterrupted power for almost half a century, a dash of paranoia and self-indulgence is inevitable. Which is why, presumably, Fidel Castro has his underwear burnt after use, and sends aides across the Atlantic to spend a small fortune on Spanish cured ham.
Such are the latest details on the world's longest surviving head of state and government, as provided by one of his former personal assistants, Delphin Fernandez. The picture that emerges is of a man obsessed with his health, his security and with personal details of foreign businessmen planning to invest in Cuba."

Doesn't everyone burn their underpants after use?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this could explain the bizzare behavior of some Scottish Labour politicians who've also been in power for that long in some parts...

Mr Wit