26 July 2006

Auntie Annabel on the warpath?

It's no fun being a Scottish Tory when the London leadership is dragging the party into the soggy political centre. Douglas Fraser in The Herald highlights the growing disparities and concludes:
"As his own parliamentary secretary inadvertently told us in a leaked e-mail, Cameron's cavalier approach to reinventing Conservatism is causing trouble in the ranks. Could it be that Annabel Goldie's manifesto could become a rallying point for the Thatcherite right, with English Tory foot soldiers demanding more of what the Scots are being offered? The doughty Scottish spinster could be on course to become a conference heroine to the formidable English matrons watching enviously from the south."
It's a nice thought but I suspect that the English Tories neither know nor care what is happening north of the border. The redoubtable Ms Goldie is most unlikely to be offered a platform at the Tory Party Conference other than in the most marginal of sideshows. Do the Notting Hill set or the English party as a whole care about the Scottish election result? Other than feeling mildly benevolent to their caledonian counterparts, probably not.

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