26 July 2006

The spongers

You can see why they would want to keep it quiet, but The Telegraph gives the game away (here):
"Early next month, Tony Blair and his family will be heading to a millionaire friend's villa on Barbados...
Although Downing Street refused to comment on Mr Blair's holiday plans, there are reports that he will be staying with Russell Chambers, a City banker, who entertained the Blairs last year when they stayed at Sir Cliff Richard's Barbados villa. There is speculation that the Blairs - whose recent holiday destinations have included friends' villas in Italy and the south of France, and the Red Sea resort of Sharm el Sheikh - have been looking for a holiday property on Barbados."

I don't see why the Blairs' holiday plans should be kept secret. By their summer vacations, shall ye know them. By contrast, the McConnells are reputed to be in Arran.

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