28 December 2005

New year grills

Lucy Mangan in The Guardian goes all metaphysical for 2006:
Should I buy a George Foreman grill? This question is hedged round by a variety of others, such as: if the current model boldly advertises the incorporation of a floating hinge, does that mean there were earlier editions that had just ordinary hinges? If so, did this not mean that they were perilously close to being toasted sandwich makers? More pressingly, is the George Foreman grill not just - how can I put this? - a grill? OK, a grill that cooks both sides of a chop at once, but in health terms, which seems to be the main selling point of the "lean, mean grilling machine", exactly the same as that thing most of the western world already has in the oven? The 17-year-old sales assistants who staff most of our leading electrical goods stores are unable to furnish me with a satisfactory response and, indeed, become distressed and vexed at my constant pursuit of resolution, so I will enter 2006 still searching.

Heavy, man, heavy...

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