31 December 2005

They asked but I turned it down again...

So, arise Sir Tom Jones! I don't know what you did to justify a K, especially as Brucie only got a CBE. And does winning the European Cup count for nothing if the victors come from Liverpool?

The following are some of the few deserving recipients (here), even if they only got MBEs:
"Russell Square Tube station supervisor David Boyce, who ran into the tunnel to provide first aid to victims of the bombing, is made an MBE.
Paramedic William Kilminster, who helped those trapped in the tunnel between Russell Square and King's Cross, and Pc Deborah Russell-Fenwick, who helped victims of the Tavistock Place bus attack, also become MBEs.
Off-duty Tube driver John Boyle, who entered Aldgate Tube station to rescue victims, is also appointed an MBE. "

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