03 June 2008

Quote of the day

This blog likes to consider the important political questions of the era. The Guardian speculates about the Foreign Secretary's hair:
Extraordinary, isn't it? Immobile, fixed, solid - it is, as my English teacher would put it, an immutable constant, an unchanging point around which the impressionable wax and wane.
OK, that may be a more apt description of Iago than the foreign secretary's hair, but the central tenet remains: David's hair is, if you look at it carefully, ... a truly astonishing work of physics. In its unmoving tidiness and solidity it is like a plastic black cap, of the sort placed on an Action Man's head. Truly, I have stood behind this man in a rainy Welsh field (in a non-stalking way, honest) and even then, when one's own blow dry was shot to hell and back, Miliband's hair remained as unyielding as a stubborn PM maintaining a tenuous grip on the No 10 doorframe. Even his brother Ed's hair has looked a little ruffled in its time, so clearly this is not a genetic trait, but a unique gift.

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