09 July 2008

Invading our space?

It has become something of a fashion for dead tree political journalists to publish so-called blogs on newspaper websites. Among the best of them are Ben Brogan of The Daily Mail and Brian Taylor of the BBC.

But they are not always so successful. In the case of The Herald's blogs, it is rather obvious that some editorial bigwig has decreed that its political commentators should have blogs. Douglas Fraser does reasonably well in terms of content, but having a once a week splurge is not really the way to attract a consistent readership. Robbie Dinwoodie appears to have lost interest, not having posted since mid-June. And what can one say about Michael Settle? Only three posts in total and nothing since 3 June.

I say, chaps, if you're going to do this blogging thing, perhaps you might want to take it a little more seriously ...

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