19 June 2007

Polysyllabic words are always better

Apparently, the Executive has a climate change minister. He'll have to do better than this vapid nonsense from yesterday's press release:
Mr Stevenson said:
"Our approach to climate change is long term and strategic. The commitments we make now in terms of reductions in emissions will see many sessions of parliament and many administrations before 2050. For that reason it is vital we ensure a broadly based consensus which transposes geography, politics and the whole of society. The decisions we take now must be deliverable for future generations."

Nice to see that the Executive is not proposing to adopt a short-term and tactical approach to climate change. And I for one am glad that that they intend to ensure a broadly based consensus - a narrowly based consensus would never do. Although I am far from sure why they want that consensus to transpose things - perhaps they mean 'encompass'? But, as long as their decisions are deliverable for future generations, why cavil?

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Anonymous said...
