07 July 2005

Biker falls off

The Guardian reports a minor contretemps for Mr President:
"It seems the American president had decided to celebrate his 59th birthday with a two-wheeled spin around the grounds of the luxury Gleneagles hotel when a light drizzle - and a minor disaster - struck.
A White House spokesman said Mr Bush had been pedalling along for about an hour at what he termed a "pretty good speed" when he hit the officer, who was on foot. Scott McClellan said the president had scraped his hands and arms that were bandaged by Dr Richard Tubb, the president's doctor.
"He was wearing a helmet," said Mr McClellan. "The accident occurred on asphalt. His scrapes were mild to moderate."
"The president was mostly concerned at the officer's condition and spent time talking to him and asked his physician to monitor him in hospital," Mr McClellan said.
Mr Bush's mountain bike was damaged, forcing him to return to the hotel in a van."

I can't think why this episode should give rise to a certain amount of hilarity. Perhaps it is that, while other world leaders are studying their briefing papers for one of the most important meetings of the year, while protestors are storming the security fence at Gleneagles and riot police in Chinook helicopters are being airlifted to repel them, the president of the US spends an hour riding his bike in the rain. Or perhaps it is the idea of the president returning to the hotel in a van. Did Mrs Bush give him a row when he got back to the hotel room? And did he bring the bike with him from the US or did he borrow one from the hotel? I think we should be told...

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