04 January 2006

What planet are they living on?

BBC Scotland concludes - not very surprisingly:
"Scottish councils believe education reforms planned for England stand no chance of being replicated in Scotland.
Critics have said a bill to be debated in the Commons later this month would result in local authorities having less control over education.
But the UK Government said the bill's aim was to give schools more freedom.
Ewan Aitken, spokesman for the Scottish Convention of Local Authorities, said Scottish schools were hugely successful and did not need major change. "

Well no, we are not likely to get education reforms, not for so long as Executive ministers are totally in thrall to the teaching establishment. But for COSLA to declare that Scottish schools are "hugely success ful" is rather breathtaking, given the apparent numbers of schoolchildren who complete their education with an inability to read, write and do basic maths.

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