14 April 2006

Ownership and nationality

The Washington Post reports on the Enron trial:
"Defense lawyer Dan Petrocelli is making former Enron chief executive Jeffrey Skilling tick off his income, his assets, everything he has that's worth money, as a way of showing that he was, at one point, a wealthy man who did not need to pump up the Enron stock to make more money.
About his vehicles, Skilling said he has a "nice car, a 2000 Mercedes, top of the line, I bought in 2000; a 1999 Toyota Four-Runner my son has at college, and 1995 and 1996 Land Rovers. They're English cars, so they don't work."
Much laughter in the courtroom and the Overflow Press Room (OPR)."

Actually, Land Rover is part of the Ford Group, so strictly speaking they are American cars...

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