27 April 2006

Tomb raider

What does an ambitious chancellor of the exchequer do when his cabinet chums are in trouble? The Guardian diary explains what Mr Brown was up to yesterday:
"With all those cabinet ministers making their bizarre ways into the news yesterday, the Diary feels a bit like the satirist Tom Lehrer did when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize: "Who needs satire?" But at least one member of the cabinet had a cheerful day. Gordon Brown had a telephone link-up with Angelina Jolie in her UN high commissioner for refugees role to discuss the Global Campaign for Education. The media were invited to listen in and one reporter asked Ms Jolie if she thought Mr Brown would make a good prime minister. "I don't want to get involved in UK politics," she said diplomatically. "I do feel from what I know and learned of his leadership that the things he has done, like this step forward in education, that I like him more and more very much. I hope that he can do many more things. So, yes, personally, I would like to see it." That's a better sort of day than explaining the opening of prison doors or the closing of hospitals, isn't it?"

An endorsement from Ms Jolie must be better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. And I am sure that Messrs Clarke and Prescott, together with Ms Hewitt, will fully understand...

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