30 September 2006


The Executive is trying to get 'with it'. The punters are not. The BBC reports:
"Attempts by ministers to tap into the online generation with downloads to mp3 players have been criticised by an MSP.
Figures obtained by the Scottish Conservatives showed eight people downloaded a podcast of a recent sports summit at Stirling University...
The figures also showed 16 downloads for a recent schools junk food event and 32 for the Athletes Commission for the 2014 Commonwealth Games."

I want to know what kind of sad people would download a podcast from the Scottish Executive.

But there is more:
"The first audio podcast of First Minister's Questions was made available on 7 September and the second on 14 September.
Over these eight days, there were 580 downloads."

Now, I am prepared to admit to being a political junkie. But even I would not go so far as to download FMQs. Even on telly, I can usually only watch the first 5 minutes.

But then I don't have an iPod...

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