29 September 2006

Scottish political blogging

The estimable Dr Vee is prepared to take on the thankless task of resurrecting a round up:
"At times the Scottish blogosphere feels incredibly sparse. It’s not too difficult, with a bit of effort, to find Scots blogging about politics. And when you do, how often is it about Scottish politics? And when you do find them, there is little doubt that the Scottish political blogosphere isn’t quite as vibrant as the Westminster-orientated scene.
And where on earth are the representatives of the country’s second-largest political party, the SNP? Just about the only decent SNP blogger I can think of is Stuart Dickson, who was responsible for the excellent Independence blog, which sadly hasn’t been updated for a year. Indeed, the Scottish political blogosphere is almost as notable for the great bloggers who have fallen by the wayside.
Remember Lost in Westminster? Lost is the word.
Maybe I’m just missing all the great blogging going on out there. That’s part of the reason why I want to start this roundup. I want to discover new blogs and hopefully get a bit more of a community going, with more discussion between bloggers of all hues — particularly with the Scottish Parliament elections gearing up in the coming months."

If I may add to the lists of the fallen (or perhaps falling), I regret the disappearance of The Hack, while the recent silence of Bondbloke (and indeed BondWoman) adds to the gloom.

Anyway, we are assured that the round-up will appear here on Sunday coming.

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