31 January 2009

The dog that didn't bark

Curious. He's not usually considered as bashful.

Here we have an industrial dispute, with wildcat strikes spreading throughout the country. The Prime Minister has responded, if rather inadequately:
"I understand people's worries about their jobs."

But where is the Secretary of State for Business, the Prince of Darkness, the otherwise ubiquitous headline hogger? What thoughts does he offer on the decision by an Italian oil company to contract with its compatriots to the exclusion of British workers? Perfectly legal, we are told, in line with EU rules. While, justifiably, the Prime Minister is excoriated for his stupidity in promising British jobs for British workers.

And, all the while, Peter keeps his head down. After all, now is not really the time to be preaching the virtues of the European Single Market.

Oh, and we haven't heard much from Employment Minister Purnell* either.

* Who he? Ed


Bill said...
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Bill said...

I thought it was a French company, Total, not an Italian one (that would be Agip). In any case they are all EU member state nationals, obviously the Portuguese employees, too.